NYU Urban Seminar: Zachary Tumin

News & Events | February 16th 2016

February 16, 2016

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm, Vanderbilt Hall, Room 208, 40 Washington Square South, New York City (RSVP here)

This event is part of the NYU Seminar Series co-sponsored by the Marron Institute and the NYU Furman Center. Zachary Turmin, will be leading this discussion series on smart power policing. 

Zach Tumin is Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Initiatives at NYPD, serving on Police Commissioner Bill Bratton’s executive staff. Zach leads the NYPD's internal innovation group, chartered to stand-up new units and operations. There, he has been responsible for establishing the NYPD's social media and digital engagement platforms. A veteran practitioner, as well as researcher and teacher at Harvard Kennedy School and now Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, Zach has advised governments and business leaders around the world on innovation design, rollout, and management.

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