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Bensonhurst BK11

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Neighborhood Indicators


Indicator 2000 2006 2010 2019 2021 2022
Born in New York State 44.7% 43.8% 38.9% 39.9%
Disabled population 6.1% 5.8% 5.8%
Foreign-born population 50.7% 51.1% 52.2% 56.5% 55.1%
Population 171,778 174,593 164,506 186,959 206,519
Population aged 65+ 17.0% 18.0% 20.5% 16.5% 16.1%
Households with children under 18 years old 31.9% 31.9% 29.4% 34.5% 33.9%
Single-person households 28.0% 27.1% 20.9% 20.8%
Race and Ethnicity
Percent Asian 23.1% 30.2% 33.7% 41.0% 36.6%
Percent Black 0.4% 0.3% 0.1% 1.1% 1.4%
Percent Hispanic 8.8% 9.9% 13.4% 16.0% 19.8%
Percent white 64.7% 58.6% 50.7% 38.4% 38.0%
Racial diversity index 0.52 0.55 0.61 0.66 0.68
Income and Poverty
Income diversity ratio 5.8 4.7 5.3 5.8
Median household income (2022$) $59,580 $54,400 $49,240 $63,710 $59,390
Median household income, homeowners (2022$) $81,530 $67,280 $92,430 $81,240
Median household income, renters (2022$) $39,590 $41,120 $56,580 $54,220
Poverty rate 19.7% 17.9% 14.0% 14.6% 23.1%
Poverty rate, population aged 65+ 22.6% 12.4% 21.2% 21.4%
Poverty rate, population under 18 years old 24.4% 20.1% 17.3% 32.6%
Labor Market
Labor force participation rate 57.1% 53.9% 63.3% 58.0%
Population aged 25+ without a high school diploma 28.3% 30.1% 25.0% 25.4%
Unemployment rate 7.12% 4.88% 8.60% 4.53% 11.74%

Housing Market and Conditions

Indicator 2000 2006 2010 2019 2021 2022
Housing Stock
Homeownership rate 31.2% 39.1% 39.4% 36.5% 32.6%
Housing units 66,327 67,271 68,574 76,452
Rental vacancy rate 3.9% 2.0% 2.2%
Serious housing code violations (per 1,000 privately owned rental units) 17.2 22.5 55.0 53.5 55.5
Severe crowding rate (% of renter households) 3.9% 6.0% 6.5%
Total housing code violations (per 1,000 privately owned rental units) 116.5 118.9 222.0 285.1 278.7
Finance - Distress
Notices of foreclosure rate (per 1,000 1-4 family and condo properties) 2.5 3.1 5.2 1.8 1.8 2.0
Notices of foreclosure, all residential properties 53 60 110 42 39 47
Notices of foreclosure, initial, 1-4 family and condo properties 36 46 80 20 13 22
Notices of foreclosure, repeat, 1-4 family and condo properties 9 12 22 17 24 19
Pre-foreclosure notice rate (per 1,000 1-4 family and condo properties) 18.0 9.4 18.7
Pre-foreclosure notices, 1-4 family and condo properties 364 192 381
Properties entering REO, 1-4 family 1 1 2
Finance - Lending
FHA/VA-backed home purchase loans (% of home purchase loans) 0.0% 1.4% 0.3% 0.2%
Higher-cost home purchase loans (% of home purchase loans) 8.4% 0.5% 4.9% 5.9%
Higher-cost refinance loans (% of refinance loans) 20.4% 2.6% 2.7% 1.8%
Home purchase loan rate (per 1,000 properties) 34.8 25.8 17.0 25.2
Home purchase loans in LMI tracts (% of home purchase loans) 40.6% 11.0% 42.5% 45.6%
Home purchase loans to LMI borrowers (% of home purchase loans) 3.5% 36.7% 11.1% 11.8%
Refinance loan rate (per 1,000 properties) 25.3 13.6 13.0 31.9
Sales - Volume
Sales volume, 1 family building 125 128 77 87 53 103
Sales volume, 2-4 family building 446 532 300 235 242 416
Sales volume, 5+ family building 20 31 17 21 20 26
Sales volume, condominium 33 113 125 68 94 61
Sales volume, all property types 624 804 519 411 409 606
Sales - Median Prices
Median sales price per unit, 1 family building (2022$) $446,940 $724,410 $727,500 $958,860 $992,060 $950,000
Median sales price per unit, 2-4 family building (2022$) $246,410 $404,010 $400,880 $556,360 $525,210 $545,000
Median sales price per unit, 5+ family building (2022$) $82,320 $156,830 $160,950 $263,870 $222,820 $227,600
Median sales price per unit, condominium (2022$) $439,410 $639,800 $532,700 $641,100 $657,840 $620,000
Sales - Housing Price Index
Index of housing price appreciation, 1 family building 100.0 193.2 217.0 328.9 371.1 362.0
Index of housing price appreciation, 2-4 family building 100.0 193.6 219.6 343.4 386.8 372.4
Index of housing price appreciation, 5+ family building 100.0 212.3 254.7 363.4 373.9 424.7
Index of housing price appreciation, condominium 100.0 200.2 200.6 308.9 297.0 301.9
Index of housing price appreciation, all property types 100.0 197.6 220.9 342.1 366.0 365.0
Subsidized Housing
Total number of subsidized properties (properties) 11
HUD Financing or Insurance (properties) 2
HUD Financing or Insurance (units) 0
HUD Project-based Rental Assistance Program (properties) 1
HUD Project-based Rental Assistance Program (units) 52
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (properties) 2
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (units) 218
Public Housing (properties) 0
Public Housing (units) 0
Mitchell-Lama (properties) 1
Mitchell-Lama (units) 125
421-a Tax Exemption (properties) 122
421-a Tax Exemption (units) 1,517
420-c Tax Exemption (properties) 0
420-c Tax Exemption (units) 0
NYC Housing Production Programs and Zoning Incentives or Requirements (properties) 4
Eligible to expire from housing programs between 2023 and 2028 (properties) 0
Eligible to expire from housing programs between 2023 and 2028 (units) 0
Eligible to expire from housing programs between 2029 and 2038 (properties) 1
Eligible to expire from housing programs between 2029 and 2038 (units) 125
Eligible to expire from housing programs in 2039 and later (properties) 4
Eligible to expire from housing programs in 2039 and later (units) 218

Land Use and Development

Indicator 2000 2006 2010 2019 2021 2022
Population density (1,000 persons per square mile) 47.2 44.5 50.6 55.9
Units authorized by new residential building permits 97 0 32 129 147 52
Units issued new certificates of occupancy 86 256 218 142 104 190

Neighborhood Services and Conditions

Indicator 2000 2006 2010 2019 2021 2022
Car-free commute (% of commuters) 63.3% 66.6% 69.6% 67.8% 64.7%
Mean travel time to work (minutes) 44.9 43.3 44.4 47.6 40.6
Crime and Incarceration
Serious crime rate (per 1,000 residents) 10.0 6.7 5.8 6.1 6.6
Serious crime rate, property (per 1,000 residents) 7.8 5.0 4.4 4.6 5.0
Serious crime rate, violent (per 1,000 residents) 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.6
Students performing at grade level in English language arts, 4th grade 60.0% 60.4%
Students performing at grade level in math, 4th grade 66.6% 62.4%


Indicator 2000 2006 2010 2019 2021 2022
Median Rent
Median rent, 2- and 3-bedrooms (2022$) $1,460 $1,650 $1,770
Median rent, all (2022$) $1,220 $1,360 $1,300 $1,610 $1,640
Median rent, recent movers (2022$) $1,380 $1,660 $1,880
Median rent, studios and 1-bedrooms (2022$) $1,190 $1,370 $1,500
Change in collected rent (2019-2020) 0.9%
Rental units affordable at 30% AMI (% of recently available units) 3.2% 7.8% 6.1%
Rental units affordable at 80% AMI (% of recently available units) 82.5% 84.1% 82.0%
Rental units affordable at 120% AMI (% of recently available units) 98.3% 99.6% 99.3%
Rent Burden
Moderately rent-burdened households 23.3% 31.1% 25.1% 23.1%
Moderately rent-burdened households, low income 36.5% 33.6% 32.5%
Moderately rent-burdened households, moderate income 6.7% 3.5% 2.7%
Severely rent-burdened households 30.9% 30.5% 33.0% 33.2%
Severely rent-burdened households, low income 41.1% 45.1% 45.7%
Severely rent-burdened households, moderate income 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Rental Subsidy
Housing choice vouchers (% of occupied, privately owned rental units) 7.3% 4.6%
Public housing (% of rental units) 0.0%

In 2021, there were an estimated 206,519 people in Bensonhurst, of which 36.6% identified as Asian, 1.4% identified as Black, 19.8% identified as Hispanic, and 38.0% identified as white.

Graph showing the racial and ethnic composition of Bensonhurst in both 2000 and 2017-2021.
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In 2021, the household income group with the largest share (29.0%) of households was $100,001 - $250,000. In 2000, the same household income group had the largest share as well, with a slightly lower share of 24.8%.

Graph showing the distribution of household income in Bensonhurst in both 2000 and 2017-2021.
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Median household income in 2021 was $59,390, about 18% less than citywide median household income ($72,150). The poverty rate in Bensonhurst was 23.1% in 2021 compared to 18.0% citywide.

The poverty rate in Bensonhurst was 23.1% in 2021 compared to 18.0% citywide.
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The rent distribution shows the share of apartments by their size (according to the number of bedrooms), and then for each apartment size in the community district, the share of apartments according to their monthly gross rent. This distribution compares 5-year ACS figures from 2010 to 5-year ACS figures from 2021.

Graph showing the distribution of rents in Bensonhurst in both 2010 and 2017-2021.
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Real median gross rent in Bensonhurst increased from $1,360 in 2006 to $1,640 in 2021. This represents a 20.6% increase over the same period. As of 2021, the change in median household income outpaced the change in median gross rent by 16.4 percentage points. In 2021, 33.2% of renter households in Bensonhurst were severely rent burdened (spent more than 50% of household income on rent). 82.0% of the rental units were affordable at 80% Area Median Income, 0 percentage points lower than the share in 2010. None of the rental units were public housing rental units, as of 2022. The overall rental vacancy rate in Bensonhurst was 2.2% in 2021.

Real median gross rent in Bensonhurst increased from $1,360 in 2006 to $1,640 in 2021.
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Graph showing the change in real median gross rent and median renter household income in Bensonhurst from 2006 to 2021.
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None of the rental units in Bensonhurst are public housing rental units in 2022.
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In 2021, the homeownership rate in Bensonhurst was 32.6%, which is lower than the citywide share of 33.3%. The homeownership rate in the neighborhood has decreased by 6.8 percentage points since 2010. In 2021, the home purchase loan rate was 25.2 per 1,000 properties (owner-occupied 1-4 family buildings, condominiums, or cooperative apartments) and the refinance loan rate was 31.9 per 1,000 properties in the neighborhood. Out of all the first-time home purchase loans and refinance loans in Bensonhurst, 5.9% and 1.8% were high cost loans, respectively. 47 properties had a filing of mortgage foreclosure in Bensonhurst in 2022. There were 2.0 mortgage foreclosure actions initiated per 1,000 1-4 family properties and condominium units.

There were 2.0 mortgage foreclosure notices per 1,000 1-4 family properties and condominium units in Bensonhurst in 2022
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The Department of Buildings issued new certificates of occupancy to 190 residential units in new buildings in Bensonhurst in 2022, 86 more than the number of units certified in 2021.

Department of Buildings issued new certificates of occupancy to 190 residential units in new buildings in Bensonhurst last year, the same as the number of units certified in 2022.
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Over the last decade, 841 units in 4+ unit buildings were built in Bensonhurst. 100% were market rate, compared to 0% that were income-targeted. We use data from a variety of sources to count the number of income-restricted units targeted to households earning between 80% and 165% of AMI. However, due to restricted availability of granular data our calculations of income-restricted units should be read as conservative estimates. Read more about our methodology in the technical appendix of the 2021 Focus Report.

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The serious crime rate was 6.6 serious crimes per 1,000 residents in 2022, compared to 14.2 serious crimes per 1,000 residents citywide.

The serious crime rate was 6.6 serious crimes per 1,000 residents in 2022, compared to 14.2 serious crimes per 1,000 residents citywide.
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Data Notes: See Indicator Definitions, Rankings, and Methods for more information.

Indicators: The rental vacancy rate, severe crowding rate, and the severely rent-burdened households indicators use five-year American Community Survey (ACS) estimates. Data under the 2010 heading comes from the 2006 – 2010 ACS, data under the 2019 heading comes from the 2015 – 2019 ACS and data under the 2021 heading comes from 2017 – 2021 ACS .