The Dream Revisited: A Discussion on Comparative Perspectives on Segregation

Research & Policy | September 8th 2014

Launched on Martin Luther King Jr. Day earlier this year, The Dream Revisited is a “slow debate” blog focused on segregation in neighborhoods and schools and the potential role they play in hindering economic and racial equality. It is presented as part of the Furman Center’s Integration Research Initiative. 

The seventh discussion in the series explores what can be learned by looking at racial and economic segregation through a comparative lens. Essays in this discussion include: 

Share your questions and reactions to the essays on Twitter via the hashtag #TheDreamRevisited.

If you have any comments or suggestions for future discussions, send us an email to

The Dream Revisited will feature a new discussion each month for the entire year. At the conclusion of project in 2014, the debates will be digitally archived. The Dream Revisited is presented as part of the NYU Furman Center's Integration Research Initiative and supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundations.

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